

GoGo & FlowGo dance artists

Winners of this year’s Calgary Stampede Best Overall Parade Award with the outstanding Steely T Mutant Vehicle and nominated for CanSpin’s Group of the Year two consecutive years running is Calgary’s dance & flow artist collective aGoGo! aGoGo artists combine individual passions and talents to co-create and exhibit beautiful displays of dance and prop manipulation of poi, hoops, staff, rope dart, fans, and whips in SILKS, LED, and FIRE!

aGoGo have been most seen flowing on the streets of Beakerhead and lighting up the avenues of Chinook Blast with daily improvised flow arts performances delighting thousands of Calgarians enjoying all that downtown has to offer! 

As a collective, we have been collaborating and learning from one another for approximately eight years. As individuals, we have been amongst our own practice for far longer. Together we make a powerful troupe with each person and their talents contributing to the whole.

Welcome! We can’t wait to show you what we got!